2020年ニュース 一覧
- November.06.2020 世界で活躍する視覚効果・プロデューサー トーマス・M・ホートン氏を講師に、MPA/DHU/TIFFCOM「マスターセミナー&ピッチング・コンテスト2020」をオンライン開催
- November.04.2020 第33回東京国際映画祭 共催企画 MPAセミナーを開催しました。
- October.01.2020 海賊版や偽ブランド品などの不正商品撲滅を訴えるキャンペーンを実施します
- October.01.2020 第33 回東京国際映画祭 共催企画 MPA セミナー 参加受付開始
- September.25.2020 第33 回東京国際映画祭 共催企画 MPA セミナー 開催のお知らせ
- August.27.2020 「マスタークラス・セミナー&ピッチング・コンテスト2020」のオンライン開催、登壇者が決定
- June.29.2020 トンネルの終わりにライト-7月3日(金)に東南アジアのベスト・プラクティス、プロダクション・ウェビナーが開催されます!
- June.19.2020 一般社団法人 コンテンツ海外流通促進機構(CODA)人気作家たちによる「STOP!海賊版」漫画と動画を公開
- May.22.2020 Netflix、映画・テレビドラマ制作従事者を支援する救済基金を発表 特定非営利活動法人映像産業振興機構 (VIPO)が事務局運営する同基金設立にあたり、Netflix支援基金から約1億円を拠出
- April.06.2020 4月26日は世界知的所有権の日 World Intellectual Property Day
- February.10.2020 (English) AUSTRALIAN SCREEN SECTOR GENERATED USD 15.1 BILLION (AUD$22.5 BILLION) IN 2017-18
- January.13.2020 モーション・ピクチャー・アソシエーション(MPA)のアジア太平洋地域 プレジデント兼マネージング・ディレクターにブリンダ・ルイ氏が就任
モーション・ピクチャー・アソシエーション(MPA)のアジア太平洋地域 プレジデント兼マネージング・ディレクターにブリンダ・ルイ氏が就任 January.13.2020
WASHINGTON – Belinda Lui today officially starts as the Motion Picture Association’s new President and Managing Director of the Asia-Pacific Region. Ms. Lui was named to the position in December by the association’s Chairman and CEO, Charles Rivkin, and she will report to Gail MacKinnon, Senior Executive Vice President for Global Policy and Government Affairs. Based in Hong Kong, Ms. Lui will lead the association’s Asia-Pacific team to promote and protect the film, television, and streaming content industry in the region.
“I am pleased to welcome Belinda as a key member of my management team. A respected industry veteran, she is ideally poised to lead the Motion Picture Association’s efforts in a critical region for our members,” said Mr. Rivkin.
“Belinda joins the MPA at a time of profound growth and opportunity for the film and television industry in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Ms. MacKinnon. “She is widely respected as a strategic leader with deep insight into the Asia-Pacific market. During her twenty-year career, Belinda has provided thought leadership on media and technology issues across several fora. Her track record of brokering strategic partnerships and collaborative management style will be a great asset to the MPA and its members.”
“This is an exciting time of innovation, evolution and opportunity for the industry, and Asia-Pacific is one of the world’s most dynamic and complex regions,” said Ms. Lui. “I am honored to be leading the Motion Picture Association in this region at this time, and to be representing such iconic entertainment companies. I look forward to partnering with our business and government leaders in advancing our common goals.”
Ms. Lui comes to the Motion Picture Association from AT&T Warner Media, where she was the Head of International Relations and Public Policy for Asia-Pacific. In this role, she managed all the region’s government affairs for all business units of AT&T, including Warner Media (formerly known as Time Warner, Inc.) and all its divisions (Warner Bros., HBO, and Turner Broadcasting, including CNN). Her oversight also included cybersecurity and data privacy. As Warner Media’s most senior executive in the region, Ms. Lui has represented the company at APEC and ASEAN bilaterals and other high-level dialogues.
Ms. Lui succeeds Mike Ellis, who was a key part of the Motion Picture Association for more than twenty years. Mr. Ellis will continue to serve the association as an advisor during the transition.
“The Asia Pacific region is tremendously important for the growth and preservation of the film and television industry,” said Mr. Ellis. “It has been the honor of a lifetime to lead the association in the region, and I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished. Our members and the industry at large could not ask for a better leader than Belinda Lui during this exciting, dynamic time, and I look forward to working with her over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition.”
Prior to her tenure with Warner Media, Ms. Lui served as in-house legal counsel at Microsoft Hong Kong through which she also addressed government affairs issues, including IP policy and innovation. Ms. Lui is admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New South Wales, Australia. She was a solicitor with international law firm Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and Hong Kong.
Over the years, Ms. Lui has served on the boards of directors at the Business Software Alliance Hong Kong, US-ASEAN Business Council, National Center for APEC, American Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong, AVIA Asia Video Industry Association and Canadian International School Hong Kong. She is President and board member of the International Women’s Forum Hong Kong.
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