2019年ニュース 一覧
- October.31.2019 MPAセミナーにて『日本の映画産業及びテレビ放送産業の経済効果に関する調査』と 『日本におけるインターネット上の海賊版サイト及びアプリの定量化と分析』を公表しました。
- October.24.2019 2019年10月23日 ハリウッドで活躍するライン・プロデューサー、 ジョン・カイパー氏を招へいし、MPA/DHU/TIFFCOM「マスターセミナー&ピッチング・コンテスト2019」を開催
- September.27.2019 第32 回東京国際映画祭 共催企画 MPA セミナー 開催のお知らせ
- September.19.2019 (English) Section 230 is Dangerous–Keep it Out of Trade Negotiations Hugh Stephens Blog / Insights on International Copyright Issues
- September.18.2019 (English) Motion Picture Association Unifies Global Brand
- July.25.2019 MPA/DHU/TIFFCOM「マスターセミナー&ピッチング・コンテスト2019」開催します。
(English) Motion Picture Association Unifies Global Brand September.18.2019
SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
Brand Update Reflects Dynamic Nature of Film, Television, and Streaming Business
WASHINGTON – The trade association that represents the leading producers and distributors of film, television, and streaming content is updating and unifying its brand. The group’s worldwide advocacy and content protection operations will now have a single, consistent name and logo – reflecting the global entertainment industry and following other recent changes to equip a more globally aligned organization that can better serve its member companies.
Beginning today, the association will be known domestically and internationally as the “Motion Picture Association.” Regional divisions around the world will use the “Motion Picture Association” name, in addition to a geographic identifier – including in the United States (see below). An updated version of the iconic “globe and reel” logo that is so familiar to American moviegoers will now be used by all regional offices. Previously used versions of the logo will be phased out in the coming weeks and months. The Motion Picture Association’s unified URL is www.motionpictures.org.
“In the nearly 100 years since our founding, the film and television industry has rapidly grown and evolved, and the stories we tell now reach every corner of the world,” said Motion Picture Association Chairman and CEO Charles H. Rivkin. “The Motion Picture Association has evolved too, as have the challenges we face – from defending the creative expression of storytellers, to protecting our members’ content, to expanding access to international markets. This new, unified global brand better reflects today’s dynamic content creation industry, the multi-platform distribution models of our companies, and the worldwide audiences we all serve.”
Last year, international markets outside the United States and Canada accounted for 71 percent of the total box office and almost 60 percent of digital home entertainment revenue. The industry also generates $17.2 billion in exports and registers a positive trade balance with nearly every country in the world.
The Motion Picture Association today is active in every region in the world. With its global headquarters in Washington, D.C. and a presence in 27 countries around the world, the organization has offices in Los Angeles, Toronto, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brussels, Mexico City, Brasilia, and São Paulo.
Unifying the Motion Picture Association brand is the latest initiative under Chairman Rivkin’s leadership, which has also included the addition of Netflix as a member studio earlier this year and the elevation of Gail MacKinnon to Senior Executive Vice President of Global Policy and Government Affairs, overseeing all government affairs functions around the world. This month, the Motion Picture Association returned to its newly renovated headquarters in Washington and will begin hosting screenings and other events this fall.
From its inception in 1922, representing a then fledgling industry operating primarily in Southern California, the association was founded as the “Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America.” The name was updated in 1945 as the “Motion Picture Association of America.” Outside of the United States, the organization has been known as the “Motion Picture Association” since 1994.
Starting today, the association’s work will operate under the unified brand, “Motion Picture Association” using the following logos. High resolution versions of the global logos can be found here.
The association’s regional-specific work will be organized as: Motion Picture Association – America; Motion Picture Association – Canada; Motion Picture Association – Asia Pacific; Motion Picture Association – Latin America; and Motion Picture Association – EMEA. For this work, each region will be represented by a consistent logo:
For historical context, the association’s regions previously used a variety of logos:
The new logos are available for download here.