
2014年ニュース 一覧


JIMCA「埼玉サイバーセキュリティ推進会議」の設立に参加(埼玉県警察本部) September.09.2014

On September 9, 2014. Saitama Prefectural Police Headquarters established the “Saitama Cyber Security Promotion Conference” and held a general assembly for the participants at “Primrose you for”in Saitama-City. Japan and International Motion Picture Copyright Association (JIMCA) has been appointed as an observer for the conference and attended the assembly.

The conference was established with the aim of concerned organizations and parties from Industry, Education, and Government sectors working closely in conjunction with each other to raise awareness about cyber security and share information, but also to improve crime prevention awareness of Internet users, review the conditions for establishing a safe internet environment and ensure the security and safety of Saitama citizens online.

In addition to the Prefectural Police, approximately 70 participants from different organizations and parties including groups from Saitama prefecture, the Saitama University, and Internet service providers attended the general event. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Kazuhiro Kitazawa, Department Chief of the Saitama Prefectural Police Community Safety Department, delivered an opening speech and said, “The need to construct a safe cyber space, collaboration among industry, education, and government sectors is both necessary and important.”

As part of the Promotion Conference, seminars will be held in November 2014 and February 2015, aiming to positively expand its promotion and educational activities. JIMCA intends to actively participate and provide continuous support to these activities.
