
About us

About the MPAA

The Motion Picture Association is the international counterpart of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) which serves as the voice and advocate of the American motion picture, home video and television industries. Today, these associations represent not only the world of theatrical film, but serve as leaders and advocates for major producers and distributors of entertainment programming for television, cable, home video and future delivery systems not yet imagined.

Founded in 1922 as the trade association of the American film industry, the MPAA has broadened its mandate over the years to reflect the diversity of an ever changing and expanding industry. The initial task assigned to the association was to stem criticism of American movies, which were then silent, and to restore a more favorable public image for the motion picture business. Today the association continues to advocate for strong protection of the creative works produced and distributed by the industry, fights copyright theft around the world, and provides leadership in meeting new and emerging industry challenges.